TRG Events
Specialization in Convening
TRG principals have produced hundreds of high level live and virtual events on six continents. These have ranged from intimate, invitation only, off-the-record dinner discussions to major week-long summits attended by hundreds of leaders and experts from government, business, the arts and academia. In every case, they have incorporated they same qualities and values as other TRG programming—high level, exclusive, expert content driven, interactive, innovative and only in areas in which the TRG principals have backgrounds and established capabilities.
Virtual Events
Bespoke Live and Virtual Events
Ask the Expert Series
Washington Today Forum (WTF)
In-Person Events
Culture Summit
Get to Know Us
Specialization in Convening
TRG is highly-specialized in delivering access to expertise to help solve the pressing challenges in your business. We accomplish this through live and virtual events, our owned-and-operated podcasts, and our podcast network.
Virtual Events
Virtual and In-Person Events
Strategic Dinner Series featuring government officials and influencers for off-the- record discussions
Ask the Expert Series
In-Person Events
Executed Gobal Culture Summit Event in Abu Dhabi featuring artists, musicians, policy makers and more
As the leading high-level cultural leadership and cultural diplomacy forum in the world, CultureSummit 2018 was attended by approximately 600 participants from more than 90 countries focused on developing unique, practical ways to utilize culture as a driver of global positive social change. Entitled “Unexpected Collaborations,” the 2018 event brought together groups from opposite sides of the globe and diverse disciplines to create new initiatives in arts education and identify ways in which culture can help combat extremism, empower women, improve the environment and preserve heritage. CultureSummit participants enjoyed over 20 live performances and attended special programming at the newly opened Louvre Abu Dhabi. CultureSummit 2018 took place April 8-12, 2018 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Brand Amplification
TRG develops custom events, podcasts, video executions, custom research and publishing, infographics and digital vignettes – and we amplify these executions through our podcasts, our podcast network, our media partnerships and via our social media extensions. Amplification is a cornerstone strategy across any custom content solution, and we employ amplification strategies that are highly targeted to the objectives of our clients.
Custom Content and Programming
Our core offering is in delivering expertise with an eye on solving the business and policy challenges our clients and prospects face, and this offering extends seamlessly into our custom portfolio. At the heart of any custom solution is listening to the objectives expressed by the client – and developing a relevant blueprint and execution plan from that core knowledge.
TRG produces custom podcasts in series formats, long and short form video programs, custom events across the gamut of small / medium / large deliverables (virtual institutes, intimate dinners, roundtables, panel formats, on-location expertise, marquee tentpole events, virtual executions), custom research and publishing services.
Custom Research
One of the more unique solutions TRG provides is in custom research and publishing. Drawing on our expertise across sectors and disciplines, we are able to deliver on any assigned custom research project with an authority that is unmatched in the market.
And More...
One of the more unique solutions TRG provides is in custom research and publishing. Drawing on our expertise across sectors and disciplines, we are able to deliver on any assigned custom research project with an authority that is unmatched in the market.